Sunday, January 26, 2020

Connection Of Biodiversity To International Relations Commerce Essay

Connection Of Biodiversity To International Relations Commerce Essay The connection between international relations and biodiversity can be linked to the evolution of both as globalization does too, which have brought among others, the increasing in international trade throughout last years. Its a fact that countries experience economic interdependence and that it is not equally shared; usually North developed countries demand raw materials or natural resources at low prices to produce goods, which later are going to be sell to southern or developing countries at higher prices; due to that southern countries are forced themselves to exploit their resources at the point that there is space for extinction rates and for biodiversity to decrease. The economic interdependence that countries are experiencing nowadays have caused high loss of biodiversity not only in flora, because of the high rates of deforestation, but also in fauna, as people even more are destroying habitats and exploiting at high levels the benefits that they could take from animals. All of that is part of an evidence to say that international relations and biodiversity are connected and also we can say that the first one can define the course of the last one; as international relations evolve, biodiversity may decrease. This is seem as a problem as international relations increase, globalization and international trade does too, and because of that, southern or commonly named developing countries which have around 20% of the worlds total biodiversity, have to exploit their natural resources, causing massive losses of species. Biodiversity is an important political issue because it depends on the relations among the most powerful economies in the world, which determines the levels of use or abuse on the natural resources available in the planet. Nowadays we are talking of interdependent capitalistic economies competing in the international arena, usually the most powerful developed countries influencing the decisions of not so developed ones. All of those changes in the worlds reality have generated changes in biodiversity too; the fact that specialization has increased as international trade does, developing countries have chosen to exploit their natural resources in order to supply developed countries the raw material they need for their manufactured goods. That in order to developing countries to expand their economies at any price, most of the times without having conscience of the consequences it might bring to the environment, even if they have that conscience, they doesnt have the economic resources to implement sustainable processes that let them exploit natural resources in a reasonable way, causing that way less extinctions or more losses on biodiversity. Reducing the rate of global biodiversity loss depends on the well management of the protected areas in the world, which represents only around the 10% of the worlds surface, which includes zones that were supposedly to be protected but in the daily use it result not be that way. The efforts of developing countries to conserve this zones usually seem to be compromise because of the bad manage they give to the financial aid, that they receive from some developed countries. Its common to find that those financial aids even if they represent some regulations and commitments, are often used in other issues or even fall in hands of corruption which in common in those developing countries. The problem for developed countries to create that kind of zones is that usually they dont have the space or they dont have the flora and fauna to protect. The issue from all of the above if that the protection from excessive use is not feasible as those natural resources represent an important part of th e countrys economy. So the solution is to use biodiversity but in a moderate way, creating protected areas and providing other options for local users. Some effective policies of protection for those areas dont need many economic resources, its enough to increase the surveillance and enforcing rules on those protected areas. But often that enforcement is not enough because the local users usually dont know where the limits are and the penalties they would receive for breaking the rules. One important element that can be useful is to create local conscience and also adapting local constituency and effective enforcement. Susanne Kleeman says in her article voices for biodiversity management in the 21st century that biodiversity management pays inadequate attention to the importance of governing institution, even if they are rules. Laws and policies are more likely to promote sustainable use and conservation of resources with the incorporation of institutions. Three factors are important for a successful conservation program: incorporating local values, ensuring consistency or rules and maintaining adequate enforcement. Due to the process of globalization, extinction rates are increasing worldwide because global warming and other human caused events; which is a reflection of the massive damage of the political and economic system has been causing. Many countries in the world promote free trade and globalization without taking care of the consequences or environmental effects, but without sustainable development policies; if it still going that way extensive trade and all that it brings into a country is going to end with all of the natural resources. In order to contribute to solve some of the environmental problems caused by international relations theres a need to create a new multilateral diplomacy because, as said by Hill, J in his article A new diplomacy for sustainable development; the challenge of global change, the environmental problems and the plans for their mitigations transcend political boundaries. So that way, countries can get into negotiations to integrate long-term perspectives in international policy more in a diplomatic environment that concerns about sustainability, cooperation and threats to the environment. This new way of diplomacy has already begun, first with the UN conference on the human environment in Stockholm in 1972, the with the Rio-Johannesburg process in 2002 and annual meetings and summits that have been realized to creating conscience and finding for solutions for more environmental friendly processes that can contribute with the global warming, which is a long term threat. Another important international actor additional to the multilateral diplomacy, are NGOs that have proven to be a very important actor when dealing with issues that have no frontiers such as environmental and biodiversity issues. Thats one of the most important reasons why NGOs must work together on redesigning the world order and put biodiversity and natural resources as hot topics on the international agenda and also in the political agenda of each country. Many international forums are opened for discussing biodiversity, in which the actors are competing to define priorities and choose the best tools for management of genetic resources, which nowadays have been one of the most important inputs of world economies because those are the raw materials of biotechnology companies. Two international agreements have emerged because of the lack of environmental regulations that is causing the extinction of those resources: the TRIPS and CBD convention on biological diversity. As coban said in his caught between state sovereign rights and properly rights: regulating biodiversity Both consider the problem of regulating to biological resources as an issue related to the capitalist relations but the difference is that the second one is a convention that seeks to protect the environment affirming that biological diversity is subject of national sovereignty, while the former one regulates biotechnology patents worldwide. The TRIPS states that intellectual property rights of corporations over genetic or biological resources are complementary in the process of capital accumulation, while CBD has been an effective awareness-raising tool. The CBD was adopted in 1992 during the Rio Summit and it recognizes the need to take action in the environmental issues, integrating the principles of equity and ethics in the use of biodiversity and also establishes that biological diversity is subject to national sovereignty; this convention has been ratified in 177 states and start its activities in 1993, focusing on the genetic resources and the access to them, technology transfers, financing of conservation policies and trade in genetically modifies organisms. One of the most important contributions of this convention is the fact that poor countries cant commit to preserve biodiversity unless developed ones provide them with technologies and financial aid, due to the use of processes that reduce abuses into the environment. This financial aid has been declining, and the international institutions and organizations that promote the protection of biodiversity has not proven to be an effective regulative framework. Nowadays international agreements are not the only involved, the private sector somehow seem to be more in favor of that sustainable development. International business coalitions also play a role in interactions between environmental regulations and private sector interests. Mainly there are 2 coalitions directly related to environmental issues, the international chamber of commerce and the global industry coalition. The former deals with biodiversity governance and environmental policies, and the latter have to do with biosafety negotiations; both of them have space in the international arena and the power to help biodiversity abuses to diminish at the international level. For international treaties and policies to work correctly, there has to be a support at the national level. Local governments have to share and implement the ideas that international treaties, policies, conventions, NGOs and other actors promote. As stated by Susanne Kleeman, biodiversity governance needs to be adapted to local conditions but aligned with global, regional and national frameworks and it calls for vertical linkages adapted to local conditions. The national government has to agree with the international politics in order to create some consistency and to share the same objectives. In conclusion, biodiversity and international relations have important connections because as more capitalistic becomes the world, natural resources are going to be exploited at much in order to satisfy the needs of trade of the developed countries. And in the other hand in order to survive economically and improve their status and living standards, developing countries would still abuse of the biodiversity with the objective of selling raw materials for the production of manufactured goods. If good conservation policies and treaties are not implemented, much of the diversity and natural resources we have probably will disappear, and after that theres not much to do. Finally unless environmental issues become central part in the international agenda, the world will suffer dramatic changes.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

The triggering event that led to the Wall Street stock market

The triggering event that led to the Wall Street stock market crash in October 1929 was the result of a steady decline in production, prices and income over the period of three months. Anxiety gave rise to panic thus resulting to the crash.   The stock market crash affected various countries and the effects were intense.   The depression affected greatly the United States because of the absence of welfare benefits for the laid off workers.   Between 1929 and 1933, money income fell by 53 percent and as a consequence, demand fell significantly, which in turn led to lower production and more lay-offs up to 25 percent rate of unemployment in 1933.And yet despite the severity of the stock market crash, the Federal Reserve did not pursue a monetary expansion policy which would have stimulated the economy through lower interest rates and increased the stock of money in circulation. As part of the efforts of the United States to cope with the Depression, the Hawley Smoot Tariff of 193 0 was enacted which made US more protectionist than ever thereby sending import duties to record highs.   As a result, other countries retaliated as the new tariff act hastened the downfall of American trade volume. Since President Hoover has been protective of the tariff act, he failed to see the results of the move.Immediately thereafter, the Depression spread through out the world especially in Europe.   Particularly affected was Germany whose economy was unable to cope with the slow disappearance of American capital. It is also worth discussing that Germany was still paying reparations for World War I which made its position even more delicate. Germany was then forced to borrow from Great Britain and France.   The country had to pursue deficienary policies in order to gain the confidence of investors and attract foreign funds.The problem of devaluation further posed a major problem. Although the United Kingdom was not hit in the same way as Germany, it however experienced a notable decline in its export which was even greater than the decrease in its imports.   Latin America was also greatly affected as it depended heavily in selling raw materials in the US. It could not be surmised that the Wall Street crash was the immediate cause of the decline in world trade.   The decline in world trade was largely due to the protectionist legislation passed by major trading nations.When Hoover was replaced by President Roosevelt in 1932 and brought with him the New Deal which was intended to provide direct relief, recovery and financial reform to the country suffering from the Great Depression. One of Roosevelt’s primary programs was to deal with the country’s banking catastrophe. Since one-fifth of all of the banks in the US were forced to close and many people were already starting to lose their life savings, Roosevelt asked Congress to legislate a law which will protect the saver’s investment in times of the same crisis. This eventua lly restored the people’s trust in the banking system. Perhaps one of the most important legislation and mark left by the New Deal is the Social Security Act which set up a national system of old-age pension and also coordinated relief for the unemployed.   Both agriculture and industry were also supported by policies to restrict output and increase input.Perhaps the most durable   policy left by the New Deal was   the great public works project such as the Hoover Dam and the introduction by the Tennessee Valley Authority of flood control, electric power, fertilizer and education to a depressed agricultural region in the south. However, the New Deal was certainly not a perfect example of economic management as it did not lead to rapid economic recovery.   Income per capita was no higher in 1939 than in 1929, although the government’s welfare and public works policies did benefit many of the most needy people. The big growth in the US economy was, in fact, due t o rearmament. (Modern American Poetry)Despite the promises of the New Deal, it nevertheless reaped various criticisms as the programs were questioned.   For example, the National Industrial Recovery Act of 1933 which was originally intended to make possible â€Å" a great cooperative movement throughout all the industry in order to obtain wider reemployment, to shorten the working week, to pay a decent wage for the shorter week and to prevent unfair competition and disastrous overproduction.† However, the NIRA was attacked because it gave stimulus to the industries that needed it least and ignored the industries that needed it the most. It also gave Roosevelt unprecedented powers over the economy and other businesses.The increase of criticisms against Roosevelt and the New Deal, Roosevelt was forced to look for support elsewhere.   During the presidential campaign in 1936, he built the â€Å"Roosevelt Coalition† a political bloc that made modern politics.   While the Republicans were still relying on their traditional base of political support such as big businesses, farmers and conservatives, Roosevelt and the Democrats turned to small farmers in the Midwest, urban political bosses, even ethnic blue collar workers, the ethnic minorities, Jews and intellectuals.   As evidence by the support of African-Americans, Roosevelt was certainly changing American politics. Thus, it was no surprise that the Democrats won the race in 1936.On the other hand, labor and labor unions played a great role during the 1930s.   In fact, many Americans became alarmed by the labor union’s power which they felt might be irresponsibly used under certain circumstances.   For the labor force, they are responsible in continuing industrialization although many of the workers are divided from each other ethnically, regionally and religiously.   Nevertheless, with mass unemployment and real distress among the workingmen, public opinion, which had long look ed upon unions as â€Å"radical† outfits, came to sympathize with their purposes for the first time. Reflecting that public opinion, the new deal Congresses passed laws which favored organization and recognition of labor unions. Meanwhile, the courts, which had taken a restrictive view of the rights of labor when they seemed to conflict with those of private property, rendered more favorable decisions and upheld the new laws.Reference:Monique Ebell. (2006). Welfare Capitalism, Union Power and the Great Crash of 1929: Toward a Neoclassical Explanation of the Great Depression.†Ã‚   XIV International Economic History Congress, Helinski 2006 Session 20.F. William Engdahl. â€Å"Some Conventional Reflections on the Great Depression and the New Deal.† GeoPolitics-GeoEconomics.   Online accessed October 1, 2006.Stanley Schultz. â€Å"Dr. New Deal Becomes Dr. Win-the-War.† American History 102: Civil War to the Present. Online and Labor_Management. Online   accessed October 1, 2006.â€Å"Legacy of the New Deal in Comparison with Other Deals† :

Thursday, January 9, 2020

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Wednesday, January 1, 2020

The Theories Of Virus Origin - 1615 Words

Viruses are one of the most ancient and diverse wonders of the scientific world, yet they are not fully understood. Scientists still do not know of their origins, but have three main theories of how they came about. Viruses infect organisms, yet they do not perform the biological functions to be considered living organisms themselves. Viruses lack many of the abilities that scientists affiliate with living organisms. Primarily, they cannot reproduce without the help of a host cell, and do not use the normal cell-division process, mitosis, for replication. How did these entities arise and where did they come from? How did they evolve in this ever-changing world to still exist and be so prosperous? In my research I found three theories of virus origin; the theories include the progressive hypothesis, the regressive hypothesis, and the virus-first hypothesis. Investigations of their evolution have revealed many characteristics that allow them to thrive, including their high mutation rat e. This paper will discuss each of the theories of their origin and then attempt to explain some of the aspects of their evolution and high mutation rates. Viruses can find a host from any of the three domains of life and there are relationships with viral proteins from before the divergence of life at the molecular level according to studies. Therefore, viruses are the last universal common ancestor which is indicative of some viruses originating early in the evolution of life and that thereShow MoreRelatedRna World : A Possible Theory For Life Origin1490 Words   |  6 Pagesworld, a possible theory for life origin. I think the RNA world theory, combined with other theories, including clay chemistry and deep sea vents activities, is a very possible theory for life’s origin on Earth. RNA still serves important roles in cell now. 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It includes the followingRead MoreIn 2015, An Estimate Of 36.7 Million People Was Living1009 Words   |  5 Pagesscientists have been able to understand the illness even more and created treatment/medication to allow a person living with HIV/AIDS to an extended lifespan. However, to truly understand HIV/AIDS one should learn of its origin and how the human body’s immune system usually deals with virus infections. A person’s immune system does amazing things in order to fend off any infections or bacteria that may harm the body. Specifically, the CD4 T cells can strengthen the immune system by releasing cytokinesRead MoreAre Chimpanzees Really And Blame?1199 Words   |  5 Pagesprices, for HIV medication up the roof, and the virus becoming more resistant to medications, there is nothing such as a happy ending for 50 million people worldwide still living with the disease (Renberg 267). 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