Monday, February 17, 2020

Desertification a quiet phenomenon Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Desertification a quiet phenomenon - Essay Example Desertification needs to be addressed by the governments of the world on the grounds of social justice as well.   Many affected and displaced by desertification are among the poorest in the world.   In many cases, they live in societies that are not free and democratic.   In these instances, their livelihoods are threatened by decision made by governments seeking to enrich national leaders at the expense of the poor.   In societies ruled by power and patronage, the most helpless suffer for the unwise decisions of the powerful.   Desertification needs to be addressed by the international community because it is a symptom of other dire societal ills.   Nearly two billion people live in the areas that are in danger of desertification for one reason or another.   Most of these people live in the developing countries.  The geographic locations that are most susceptible to desertification are found in the marginal lands surrounding the world’s great deserts.   Dese rtification usually brings to mind the Sahael region of Africa and the Caspian Basin in Asia.   These are surely the most famous areas of desertification currently recognized in the world, but they are by no means the only areas suffering from this issue.   The geographic expanse of this problem is indeed massive.   Nearly 40% of the landmass on earth has a dry land climate.   This means the areas are already desert.      The mechanism causing the transformation of productive or stable soil into desert can be any of a number of things, but their end result is always the same.

Monday, February 3, 2020

Madonna and child Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Madonna and child - Research Paper Example hild Jesus – the main characters in â€Å"Madonna and Child.† Except for Jesus, son of God the Father by Christian faith, there are no other gods and goddesses in the image. The scenery of Madonna, which translates to ‘Our Lady’, and her Christ Child provides relation to Catholic worship of Mary as a Virgin Mother or a woman handpicked by the Divine to conceive for a Holy Child, out of purity. Each of the persons in this biblical theme of Duccio’s work – identified as Mary and Jesus, are dressed in what appears to be a black silken garment and a customary tunic in peach and brown, respectively. Mary and Jesus are in a position where Mary, looking out as though to make contact with audience’s point of sight in calm sacred radiance, holds Jesus close to her bosom while Jesus warmly and innocently gazes at her with an iconic holy sign in the fingers of his right hand. The Metropolitan Museum of Art. â€Å"Madonna and Child – Duccio di Buoninsegna.† The Collection Online. 2000 – 2014. Web. 10 Nov 2014.